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-   ABOUT US  -


"To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often" - Winston Churchill

Our mission is to help improve our clients' perception of wine in Taiwan by bringing to the table less-known wine from up-and-coming winemaking regions. As with most things in life, understanding comes through comparison, and wine is no exception. Wine that we import cannot be found anywhere else in Taiwan. We offer truly unique experiences at your table from thousands of miles away.

Winemaking around the world is undergoing a renaissance. The wine from previously unknown regions begin their rise to prominence. New producers are introduced, and with them new sorts of wine, modern production techniques and original experiences are discovered. We work hard to be at the forefront of the revolution in wine tasting in Taiwan.

We highly value our partners. We work closely with our suppliers to ensure only the best wine is acquired and delivered to our customers. The journey of the wine that we offer is long and difficult, but this only makes it so more special.

To something new! To something better! To You! Cheers!



想要進步就要改變,想要追求卓越就要不斷改變 - by Winston Churchill 丘吉爾

維若酒藏(Wine Philosophy)創立是希望將台灣不熟悉的釀酒區葡萄酒帶到餐桌上,帶給大家不同的品飲經驗和探索"真愛"的機會。與生活中的大多數事物一樣,理解來自於比較,葡萄酒也不例外。我們進口的葡萄酒均為台灣獨家代理,由維若酒藏外國合夥人親自挑選,就酒款品質、評價和酒莊素質進行最嚴格把關。為千里之外的您提供真正獨特的體驗。




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